Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Having the Assisted Living Talk

Broaching the topic of senior living communities with your parents can be an arduous task.  They raised you and provided for you throughout your childhood. Those days are far behind you, but we don't have to tell you that you will never forget the sacrifices they made to better your life.  Now it is time for you to take care of them, and the best way to do so might be to put them in a home for seniors. 

Unfortunately, bringing it up could give off the wrong impression. They might think you don't care about them and don't want to be bothered with tending to their well-being.  Nothing could be further from the truth, of course, but try putting yourself in their shoes and think about how you would react to being put into an assisted living home. 

First off, you want to be as open and honest with them as possible.  Express your concerns and let them know your top priority is ensuring that all of their needs are cared for and that they end up in a place where the staff can keep them safe and comfortable.  Just don't make the mistake of ganging up on them.  Bringing in the entire extended family to discuss the idea is not the way to go.  That approach will make your parents feel as though they are being bullied and that they have no say in the matter. 

Attempting to rush them into assisted living would also be a mistake.  Allow your mom and/or dad the time needed to think things over.  Speaking of which, it is critical that you give them that option to kick the idea around.  Vocalize your concerns but let mom and dad play a part in making the final decision.  Keep things open and reach a final decision that is best for everyone and that is as acceptable to them as it is to you.

Monday, August 22, 2011

What to Look for in Senior Living Communities

Research shows that older adults who stay physically and socially active can significantly delay declines in their bodies, minds, and spirits. In response to these findings, there are senior living communities all over the country that are dedicated to nurturing the wellness of people aged 55 and over. Deciding to live in one of these is the easy part. But with so many options, how do you choose the best one? In an effort to make this job easier, we have come up with a list of things to look for in these communities.

First and foremost, you need to research the different residential choices that are out there. Some senior living communities only offer apartments, while others are made up of freestanding condominiums. At Copeland Oaks, we have four different housing options to choose from: Beeghly Catered Living Apartments, Beeghly Assisted Living, Lakeshore Apartments, and Villa Homes. One of the reasons to join our retirement community/assisted living facility is because we have so many residential choices.  From studio apartments to ranch-style homes, Copeland Oaks has housing options for everyone.

When it comes to choosing the best senior living communities, it is important to check their list of services before making a final decision. Does the facility have around-the-clock security? Is there a 24-hour health center? What types of building maintenance and groundskeeping services do they offer? At Copeland Oaks, we have a package of services that make daily life easy and safe. From our urgent call system to snow removal services, we make sure everything is covered so our residents can live happy, healthy lives during their retirement years.

The only way to benefit from living in senior living communities is by actually participating in the activities. Therefore, it is important to find one that has recreational and educational events that you personally enjoy. For example, if your favorite activity is fishing, you should concentrate on finding residences that are located near a body of water. Copeland Oaks has a wide variety of activities to satisfy the needs and wants of just about any retiree who is looking to support their active lifestyle.

Monday, August 1, 2011


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