Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Helpful tips for choosing a Retirement Community in Ohio

The decision to place an elderly relative in a retirement community in Ohio will be a difficult one. Oftentimes, your relative will be attached to their home. After all, many of them will have lived in the same place for several decades and may not want to leave their memories behind or lose their independence. Sometimes a retirement community is the best and safest option, though. When the time comes to find an appropriate place for your elderly family to live, you'll want to make sure to choose the right place.

Here are some tips for choosing a retirement community in Ohio that will make the process easier for everyone:

Location, location, location… It is important to find a community that is close to family and friends so that they can be easily reached and so that their sense of displacement is not as severe.

When choosing a retirement community in Ohio, make sure they are Accredited or Medicare and Medicaid certified. Consider your current and future medical needs. It is important to ensure that should the need for it arise, the community provides quality care for your family no matter what their condition.

There are various types of retirement living available, such as Independent living, assisted living or nursing home care. Consider what your current situation is, but also be aware of what your future living needs might be and find a community that offers more than one option.

Tour all retirement communities you are considering and take note of how well the grounds and buildings are kept up and if the communities look and smell clean. The last thing that you want to do is to choose a community of cheap housing with unsafe conditions that could lead to illness or injury.

Check the staff to resident ratio and make sure that there are adequate personnel on hand at all times in case an emergency should arise. When meeting the staff are they friendly and respectful? Watch to see how the staff treats other residents. Trustworthy staff is essential when dealing with the elderly and disabled who could easily be taken advantage of.

Compare the costs of each retirement community in Ohio and find the one that best suits your budget. Also, find out what is included in the costs. Check to see what other services are offered. Do they offer transportation for visits to the doctor or shopping trips? Do they offer social activities for residents?

Inquire into the policies of the community. For instance, you could see if there is a policy for guest visits or whether or not they are pet friendly. Being able to bring a beloved cat with them might be the difference between convincing your relatives to move and knock-down drag-out arguments.

Check the community's most recent rating with the Ohio State Health Department.

Keeping these tips in mind when searching for a retirement community will help you make an informed decision.


  1. One of the main benefits of retirement community is that people end up living alongside those who are of similar ages and have the similar interests. This allows people to form a unique social bond with the other residents of the community and they all look out for one another. Thanks a lot.

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  2. Hello,

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